Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Yes, I'm Alive!

Alright, I've been getting some flak for being lazy on my posts. (It is nice to know that someone is actually reading this.) It is well deserved. I have been a bit delinquent, but I am still alive. I finished reading "Next," which I enjoyed very much, as I anticipated. I think it is important to have books like that published to raise controversial issues and spur public debate. My favorite movie about genetic engineering is "Gattaca." "Next" was a much broader book and I think more up to date. I have also been reading a novel, bit by bit but I'll get into that later.

I have been very busy with holidays, caring for Addy, looking for work, and a few other time consumers. I hope to be back to a normal schedule of reading (and blogging!) soon.


1 comment:

Ashley said...

Welcome back to the blogging world! :) I loved Gattaca too! Congrats on the new job. Hope that interview goes well!